One of 14 short case study summaries which were written by Orlanda Siow of UCL. They focus on development programs that aim to be both politically informed and gender aware. See From Silos to Synergy for a synthesis of the lessons that emerge.
The State Accountability and Voice Initiative (SAVI) is a demand-side governance program that has operated across ten states in Nigeria since 2008, working alongside SPARC, a supply side governance program. In 2016, the program evolved into the Engaged Citizens Pillar (ECP), part of a larger governance reform program, PERL, which incorporates both demand and supply side elements. SAVI/ECP has focused on supporting citizens, civil society, media houses and elected state politicians to become “informed, credible and effective agents of citizen voice and accountability”. SAVI/ECP aims to improve service delivery from state government; citizens’ access to, use of and satisfaction with these services; and to ensure that citizens are empowered to influence and hold the state government to account.