Expertise: Aid effectiveness, governance, public finance management, development policy and practice, appropriate technology
Mark Moran PhD is a development specialist, author, and researcher. He is a Senior Industry Fellow with the [Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining]( at The University of Queensland, and a Churchill Fellow with the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. He has a unique technical and social science background with a degree in civil engineering and a PhD in human geography and planning. His research interests include borderland studies, aid effectiveness, appropriate technology, political economy of governance, public finance management and community-driven development. He has worked in a range of Indigenous and international development contexts, including Papua New Guinea, China, Timor Leste, Bolivia and Lesotho, and remote Indigenous communities in Australia. His academic publications include two popular books: Serious Whitefella Stuff – When Solutions Became the Problem in Indigenous Affairs, and Two Close to Ignore – Australia’s Borderland with PNG and Indonesia. His teaching is focused on online learning of frontline development, including Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) and Australia’s first MicroMasters of Leadership in Global Development. In 2019, he received a MOOC Award of Excellence by the UN SDG Academy