Danny is a school principal at Ajeltake Public Elementary School located on the island of Majuro, the capitol city for the Republic of the Marshall Islands. He has three brothers and five sisters, and grew up with his family on Arno Atoll – the closest island to Majuro. Both Danny’s formal and informal education began on Arno Atoll and during the years on Arno, his grandparents taught him what is appropriate and not appropriate in his culture.
There were many challenges Danny faced when attending elementary schools in different villages to where he came from, as rural schools do not have as many resources compared to urban schools. Transportation was another issue faced whilst in school – Danny used to walk 5 to 6 miles to school every day and back. He tried hard to overcome all of these challenges because his father (from Pohnpei) always reminded him of the times he encountered the same problems.
Danny moved to Majuro in 1983 to attend Marshall Island High School, graduating in 1987 and then sought higher education at Community College of Micronesia (CCM). He then continued on to enrol at the College of the Marshall Islands, graduating in 2004 with an AS degree in education, along with earning credits from BYUH. Danny has just completed his school leadership training (GSCSL), sponsored by USP. He is presently surviving with his wife, 6 children and 12 grandchildren.