We are an international research initiative that explores how leadership, power and political processes drive or block successful development
DLP has produced a vast catalogue of working papers, research papers and research briefs on the topic of leadership and development.
About the
Developmental Leadership Program (DLP)
We are an international research initiative that explores how leadership, power and political processes drive or block successful development
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Author Profile Claire Mcloughlin

Claire Mcloughlin

Claire has over a decade’s experience of conducting policy-relevant research in collaboration with a range of development agencies. Her core interest is in understanding when citizens accept authority, with a particular focus on how state-society relations develop over time, and how states win or lose legitimacy through their performance. She has published widely on the politics of service delivery, the role of education in building state legitimacy, and how non-state actors support or undermine state-building processes. Much of her work has focused on fragile or conflict-affected states. She is particularly interested in perceptions of ‘fairness’ in divided societies, and the narratives that leaders use to justify, defend and legitimise their actions.

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    DLP has been enormously influential in shaping my thinking and teaching about leadership and change. It combines conceptual clarity, with usable tools in areas such as political analysis, and case studies that are invaluable in bringing complex arguments to life.
    Picture of Duncan Green, Oxfam
    Duncan Green
    The Developmental Leadership Program has deeply influenced my work in supporting locally-led reform in the Pacific.
    Picture of Anna Gibert smiling
    Anna Gibert